Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Rebekah & Mike

Yesterday my assistant and I traveled to Powell Gardens just outside of Pittsville. Here we met up with Rebekah & Mike to take their engagement pictures. They frequently come to the gardens which made it the perfect place to have their pictures taken. Here are a few of the shots I captured yesterday.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Mr. & Mrs. Levi Rawson

This past weekend I had the privledge of photographing Levi & Meghan's amazing wedding. It was one for the books! Meghan wrote a beautiful song for Levi and sang it during the wedding. Not only was the song beautiful but her voice is amazing! Let's not forget about that fun first dance! That was definately unforgettable! This couple was such a blast to work with and I know they will go far in life. Their love for one another shines through in everything they do. I wish them the best and hope they have a great time on their honeymoon!